Comprehensive Overview of HIV/AIDS:
State of Kentucky Mandatory Training

Appendix A: Overview of Services Available Through Kentucky's Ryan White and State-Funded Services Programs, September, 2012


To enhance access to and retention in primary healthcare and support services for qualifying Kentuckians (clients) living with HIV disease.


  1. Client self-sufficiency, to the extent possible, through good care plan monitoring and holistic support.
  2. Prevent duplication of health and support services among providers.
  3. Education about HIV disease transmission and health choices.
  4. Ongoing HIV disease education to the general and health care communities.
  5. Efficient and effective use of resources.

Structure of Kentucky HIV Direct Services:

Kentucky Care Coordination Program (KHCCP) is a network of regional sites by which clients may access quality primary health care and other support services in or near the communities in which they live. In order to access direct services in Kentucky, you must enroll in the KHCCP.

Kentucky AIDS Drug Assistance Program (KADAP) provides clients with HIV/AIDS related medications.

Kentucky Health Insurance Continuation Program (KHICP) assists clients with maintaining pre-existing private health insurance.


Kentucky receives federal funding through the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment and Modernization Act of 2006, and also non-federal funds through the State of Kentucky.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Proof is required.
  • Household income must be 300% or less of the current federal poverty level.
  • Total cash assets must be less than $10,000.
  • Must be a resident of Kentucky.
  • Must be HIV positive.
  • You cannot be eligible for similar assistance from another payer source.

The overall intent of the services programs is to provide clients with a continuum of care utilizing existing community-based services to the greatest extent possible. Click on the document below to open a larger version in a new window.

KY Coordinator List

Continue on to Appendix B: Kentucky Community Based Organizations