Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence:
Applying Best Practice Guidelines

Appendix E. Discharge Instructions (FVPF, 2004)


Defining the Problem


Identifying Abuse

Consequence of Violence

Risk Factors for Victimization and Preparation

Dynamics of Abuse

Select Populations and IPV/DV

Barriers to Identifcation of Intimate Partner Violence/Domestic Violence

Best Practice Guidelines for Intimate Partner Violence/Domestic Violence

Safety Planning


Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E




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If you are currently being abused.

Are you here as a result of someone hitting or threatening you-a spouse, boyfriend, lover, relative or someone you know? Have you been sexually abused by someone you know? As you read this, you may be feeling confused, frightened, sad, angry or ashamed. You are not alone! Unfortunately, what happened to you is very common. Domestic violence does not go away on its own. It tends to get worse and more frequent with time. There are people who can help you. If you want to begin talking about the problem, need a safe place to stay or want legal advice-call one of the agencies listed on the back of this instruction sheet today.

While still at the healthcare provider's office.

  • Think about whether it is safe to return home. If not, call one of the resources listed on the back of this instruction sheet or stay with a friend or relative.
  • You have received instructions on caring for your injuries and taking medications prescribed. Remember, if you have received tranquilizers they may help you rest but they won't solve the problem of battering.
  • Battering is a crime and you have the right to legal intervention. You should consider calling the police for assistance (see information on back of this sheet). You may also obtain a court order prohibiting your partner from contacting you in any way (including in person or by phone). Contact a local DV program or an attorney for more information.
  • Ask the doctor or nurse to take photos of your injuries to become part of your medical record.

When you get home.

  • Develop an "exit plan" in advance for you and your children. Know exactly where you could go even in the middle of the night-and how to get there.
  • Pack an "overnight bag" in case you have to leave home in a hurry. Either hide it yourself or give it to a friend to keep for you.
  • Pack toilet articles, medications, an extra set of keys to the house and car, an extra set of clothing for you and your children, and a toy for each child.
  • Have extra cash, loose change for phone calls, checkbook, or savings account book hidden or with a friend.
  • Pack important papers and financial records (the originals or copies), such as social security cards, birth certificates, green cards, passports, work authorization and any other immigration documents, voter registration cards, medical cards and records, drivers license, rent receipts, title to the car and proof of insurance, etc.
  • Notify your neighbors if you think it is safe.

Continue on to Resources