Child Abuse Identification and Reporting:
Iowa Training for Mandatory Reporters

Child Abuse Prevention Services


Who Are the Mandated Reporters?

Abuse and Neglect/Maltreatment Have Many Presentations

The Disturbing Statistics

Legal Definitions Related to Child Maltreatment

Recognizing Child Abuse

Risk Factors Contributing to Child Abuse and Maltreatment

Protective Factors for Child Abuse and Maltreatment

The Consequences of Child Abuse

Perpetrators of Child Abuse

Dos and Don'ts Regarding Talking with Children about Possible Abuse or Maltreatment

Reporting Child Abuse and Maltreatment

After the Assessment Process

Child Abuse Prevention Services

Safe Haven for Newborns--Overview of the Safe Haven Act




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The Iowa Department of Human Services has multiple services to keep children safe. See the "Resource" section of this course for a complete listing of the local county offices of the DHS, or go to

Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Programs, authorized by the legislature, provides services through local Child Abuse Prevention Councils. These Councils provide services based on the communities' needs. Some of the services provided include: crises nursery, parent education, respite care, sexual abuse prevention, and young parent support (PCA-I, 2007).

Community Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAPP), established in 1985 as part of the federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, is designed to support networks of coordinated resources and activities to better strengthen and support families to reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect. The Federal CBCAP program is intended to improve family functioning, problem solving and communication; increase social supports for families; link families to community resources; increase knowledge about child development and parenting; and improve nurturing and attachment between parent and child. Some of the services provided include (PCAI, 2007):

  • offering assistance to families;
  • providing early, comprehensive support for parents;
  • promoting the development of parenting skills, especially in young parents and parents with very young children;
  • increasing family stability;
  • improving family access to other resources within communities;
  • support the additional needs of families with children with disabilities through respite care and other services;
  • demonstrate a commitment to meaningful parent leadership, including among parents of children with disabilities, parents with disabilities, racial and ethnic minorities, and members of underrepresented and underserved groups;
  • provide referrals to early health and development services.

Two-thirds of CBCAP program funds are used to support child abuse prevention efforts through the Community Partnerships for Protecting Children initiative. Through a competitive RFP process, CPPC sites apply for CBCAP funds to strengthen local child abuse prevention activities (PCA-I, 2007). These activities include:

  • Parent education programs such as Parents as Teachers, The Nurturing Program, Incredible Years, and Love and Logic
  • Home visitation programs
  • Home and group-based family support programs
  • Child sexual abuse prevention
  • Respite and crisis child care
  • Community awareness activities

One-third of Iowa's CBCAP program funds are used to support respite and crisis child care services (PCA-I, 2007).

  • Respite child care services are provided through Youth Emergency Services and Shelter Recipients of respite child care services must have a child with a diagnosed disability.
  • Crisis child care services are provided through contracts with local service providers. Currently, crisis child care services are being provided in Boone, Buchanan, Carroll, Linn, and Marshall counties.

In addition to addressing risk factors such as poverty, substance abuse, and domestic violence, CBCAP programs strive to increase protective factors. Protective factors are characteristics that, when present, reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect. The following set of protective factors has been identified by the FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBCAP as key in preventing child abuse:

  1. Nurturing and attachment between parent and child
  2. Parental resilience (parents can "bounce back" from crises)
  3. Knowledge of parenting and child development
  4. Strong social connections
  5. Concrete supports in time of need

Continue to Safe Haven for Newborns--Overview of the Safe Haven Act